
friday inspiration.

Having a fun Friday so far.  Dan and I woke up and headed to whole foods to get $3 breakfast burritos (they are HUGE and delicious).  Then to Bennison's for our favorite chocolate cake donuts (SO good...I can't even believe I like these but after having them I can't believe how I wouldn't have in the past!).  Then Dan made some super tasty coffee.  Then he left for work, and I FINALLY got Harry Potter audiobook 6!  WOO!  I had a B&N gift card for some time but was waiting for a good coupon, and by the time we got a good coupon our membership with them had expired.  So, I had to do ground shipping, which I thought would be fine but would just take longer.  Well, it was lost and sitting in a couple of different post offices for while and I thought I'd never see it, but it's here! I love getting (real, meaning not bills or credit card offers) mail & packages.  It just evokes the loveliest feeling.  So, time to upload book 6 (I only need 2 more now!).  I really do love Harry Potter. The audiobooks keep me company as I work :)

Found this online this week and really really liked it.  Hope it's inspiring for your Friday.

Happy weekending!


  1. I have an empty frame that I want this in! Let's both do that.

  2. i embraced #18 just this past year, and aim for #30!
    no lists though!

    breakfast burrito sounds good.


  3. Love this list! So awesome. Number 9 was in great abundance this year! hehe (:

  4. That list is freaking amazing. So glad you found it and shared it with us!

    I'm having a giveaway on my blog--you're welcome to check it out!
