
our apartment :)

Finally posting some pics of our apartment here in the Chi!  We still don't have everything done that I'd like to have done (we need a bedroom curtain!  And I want to finish my cork board!), but it's close.  Plus, we got a couch!  Our very first couch!!  So, almost every room changed because of a new piece of furniture coming in.  It's been really nice.  Here are some photos:

chicago home-living room/office!

chicago home-living room/office!

chicago home-living room/office!

chicago home-living room/office!

chicago home-bedroom!

chicago home-bedroom!

chicago home-dining room!

chicago home-kitchen!

I wish we could paint...


  1. sooo adorable! I can't wait to be done with school and put some elbow grease into decorating (we can paint!) and digging around thrift stores and flea markets to put together our apartment.

  2. oh i love your apartment kristen!! i wish i could come to chicago and visit you! i'm loving all that you've done with the decor and how welcoming the whole place feels. great job!

  3. so cute kristin! hope you and dan are doing wonderful :)

  4. Kristin! Your place is adorable. I spy a type drawer below your empty frames? I was literally looking on Ebay for one of those yesterday!

    Hey, I'm headed home (Texas) for the summer in a couple of weeks, and I'm looking for a home for my very comfy vintage arm chair for the summer, which you can see in the blog post below, as well as a very cute lamp/sidetable (second link), coat rack (you can see it behind the chair in the first link), and vintage typewriter (on my blog header) & typing table. If you'd like some cute additions to your apartment for the summer, shoot me a message!




    Andie Roeder
